Saturday, November 8, 2008

Josh's Memorial Service

My family and I would really like to thank everyone who came to Josh's memorial service. It was so nice to see how many people really cared for my brother! Thank you all for your prayers, kind words, meals, flowers, cards, etc. If you didn't get to sign the guest book, please let me know and we can arrange a time for you to sign it.

I would like to apologize to my grandmother! I'm so sorry I forgot to put you in the obituary! It should've said survived by his grandmother Deloris Parrish of Sierra Vista and for some reason I forgot to write that! Jeff and I wrote the obituary together and we've never had to write one before so we did the best we could. Jeff would also like to apologize to everyone who donated time to Josh, Rosie, and Mom. He wanted to mention you also and forgot! We're so sorry!

I would like to let everyone know that after the service, Dennis came up to me and told me that a few people told him that they accepted Christ as their savior when he gave the invitation during the service. If you were one of those people I would love to hear from you so I can put that in the book that I'm making. You can email me at When he told me this it made me happy to know that Josh and his faith had made such an impact on you! I consider that part of the "silver lining"!

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