Josh and Aiden playing video games!
Last night Josh got moved out of ICU and is now in a regular private room. He’s in room #5101. The cards I sent on Friday (that had the second room # on them) got there today. That was a lot faster than I had expected, especially for a holiday weekend. Now that he’s in a regular room we’re able to talk to him. I think that really made Mom feel better last night. She hasn’t been able to hear his voice for so long now and I think it was really getting to her. I talked to him twice today and he sounds good, but he’s really missing the boys! He did get to see them on the web cam today though. He hasn’t been able to see them or talk to them since the surgery.
His bowels just started moving, so yesterday he got to take a couple sips of broth. But he said it tasted horrible and made him feel kind of sick. This morning was the first time he really got to eat anything. I couldn’t hear him when he told me what he ate for breakfast but he had a turkey sandwich for lunch. He’s been wanting a calzone since right before the surgery, so hopefully he’ll get to eat one soon! He’s only allowed a very limited amount of liquids because of the swelling. The medicine they’re giving him for that is working, but it’s very slow. Unfortunately it sounds like that might extend the amount of time he has to stay in the hospital. Pray that the swelling will go away quickly and that he will be able to come home very soon!
Dad left today. He’s got a load in Omaha and then in Aurora, CO and then he’ll be home. He’s going to pick Mom up and then they’ll drive back out to Kansas. Mom thinks it will be Friday, but it just depends on how quickly he can get the loads and drop them off. When Mom gets there, I’ll fly out and meet her in KS. I don’t know how long we’ll be there. It just depends on when Josh gets released. I talked to him today about how he wants to get home and he really doesn’t seem to care either way. If he ends up having to stay in the hospital long enough, he may just fly home. I found a local RV rental today and the prices are great compared to all the ones I was finding online. The only problem is that they only have 2 and I can’t reserve it because I don’t know what dates we need it for yet! I also found out today that Rosie’s friend Shell has a friend who has an RV that they might be willing to let us borrow. I would like to thank everyone who is offering to help us in every way possible. Right now we don’t know what our needs are going to be until we know more about what’s going on with him getting released. We really appreciate the offers and we will let you know what we’re going to do as soon we know. If I do go to KS I will definitely need to take people up on the offers to watch Parker while Jeff is at work!
Well that’s all the info I have for tonight. I’ll post more when I have more! Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for a miracle for Josh and everyone else that is going through the same thing!
Patty- Could you please email me your email address? My email is julie_crowley@hotmail.com
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