Hi everyone! I really don't have anything new to post. Yesterday Mom said he slept a lot more. They finally got the Dr. to give him something called Diloted (?SP) for the pain, instead of the morphine and he did much better with that! They're also giving him Ativan(SP?) and I guess that's supposed to help with pain and relax him. He did get sick at his stomach yesterday, but Mom thinks it's because they forgot to give him the nausea meds. before he ate. When he ordered his dinner they tried to get the nurse to give it to him to before his food got there, but unfortunately he didn't get it until after his meal came. They told him to wait 15 mins. before eating so it could take affect, but by then he was only able to eat about 3 bites before he fell back asleep! I guess the one good thing is that because he's on chemo he can order his food whenever he wants. Well up until 7:30 pm, but even after that I guess someone is supposed to be able to open the kitchen and make/bring him something simple!
The day that I was there they gave him laysics (SP?) to help with the water retention because the swelling from that was causing him a lot of pain. When I asked Mom about that yesterday she said they won't give him anymore because it doesn't ?mesh? well the chemo. I can't remember exactly how she put it! So his whole body is really swollen from all the fluids they have to give him!
One thing I forgot to mention about the day that I was there, was that one of the nurses who took care of Josh when he was there before (on a different unit) found out he was there again and came to visit him and tell him she was thinking about him!
Thank you again for everything! Please continue to pray! When you call, you don't have to apologize! You're not bugging us! Thank you for the emails also! I'm sorry I don't have time to reply to all of them, but I do read them and appreciate them very much! It's great to know how many people are praying for us!
I would like to add another prayer request to everyone's growing list! My friend Dawn's (we've been friends since pre-school) husband, Jimmy, has something wrong with the way his heart is beating and is going to have to have surgery to fix it. I'm not exactly sure what it's called, but when they made him wear a monitor they said a few times while he was resting, his heart rate went up to 200 beats per min and normal is about 70bpm! Please include their family in your prayers!
Also, some of you know Angie (our sister) and know about her husband Jim's back problems. He had another surgery! Please pray that this will be the last one and that it will fix the problem!